Why is nutritional supplementation important: Nutrients are substances which are necessary to sustain life. They must be obtained from food as they are either not made in the body at all, or are not made in sufficient quantities for growth, vitality and well-being. A deficiency of a particular nutrient can cause disease symptoms which can only be cured by that nutrient. It is impossible to sustain life without the essential vitamins and minerals. Yet in modern times, our soils have become anemic and our food has become impure. In short this means we can no longer get the nutritional elements we need from our food. We must consciously supplement our daily intake of food with the lacking nutritional components, or poor health and disease are certain resultants. What nutrients do:Nutrients have many functions and influence the health of every organ in the body. The combination of essential substances such as vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes brings about certain life-sustaining chemical reactions. Individual nutrient components have specific functions which vary widely and can overlap. They are involved in growth, the ability to produce, the maintenance of health, and the basic functionalities required to sustain life. However our soils and foods are not what they used to be. The over-farming of the soils, the un-natural implementation of growth hormones, the hybriding and genetic altering of foods, and the general decline of the nutritional awareness of the modern diet have all lead to the nutritional epidemic that plagues the modern world. Are you unhappy with your weight? Unfortunately, the cycle of weight gain was not an overnight thing, and thereby the complete remedy is also not a one-time "magic pill" solution. Good eating habits and excerise have always been the best solution for permanent weight loss solutions. However, there are a number of natural herbal ingredients that can GREATLY assist in the quest of weight management and the return to ideal body size measurements. Through time-tested techniques of natural metabolism enhancing herbs and the return to ancient natural techniques that seem to have been forgotten by today's medical community, the seemingly impossible weight/inch loss task is fully possible! Best of all, the products listed here are completely natural with no dangerous drugs or additictive stimulants as is prevelant with so many of the common weight loss pills in todays stores. The January 1997, USA Today Harris Poll showed that more than 74% of Americans, 25 or older, are overweight. That's nearly 3 out of 4 citizens! Dr. C. Everett Koop, former Surgeon General, has just announced that obesity and related conditions are the second largest health risk in America today, resulting in 3,000,000 deaths each year. Scientific studies show that most low-calorie diets that aren't accompanied by heavy exercise, can result in a 50% loss of lean muscle mass. Depending on who you ask, You'll get a lot of different answers as to why weight loss is important. Some people simply want to fit into that old pair of jeans, while others worry about the unhealthy side effects that accompany weight gain. Nevertheless, as we are continuously bombarded by weight-gain studies and health reports, the message is clear: Losing excess weight will improve your health, boost your self-image, and add years to your life! |